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Gonna work on the details later :3



N1ght Fre4k

Riding some Rodin 👌🏻

Tom Emery (WungoBongoVA)

O-o-ok, perhaps I was wrong in the vote...(jeez, I dunno if this is helping the tension i'm having with my ex atm XD)


Holy fuck I literally dropped my phone when I read "Bayonetta" on the notif (I really did, only on my desk but hey). I'm sure this will turn out awesome, can't wait

Dack Janiels

Nice can't wait to see how it turns out in the final version.


gj dp


lol you used rodin after all.

Tom Emery (WungoBongoVA)

Uh...it's way too long a story to post here XD totally ok if you say no, considering we hardly know each other, but if you like I can DM you about it