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So I've been struggling with longer projects, or rather, actually seeing them through. My workflow right now is, and has been for the past two years, to make 3 to 4 short animations every month and just plomp those online for you guys to see, but I really want to try something longer too, because I feel I need to take the next step.

I've already tried my hand at it, with that Widowmaker x Pharah BJ animation, but I was so scared to put too much time into it, still wanting to reach the 3 loop deadline each month. I don't know if I should try. I don't know if I can affored to try. I worry so much that if I don't put out enough content frequently, that I won't be able to keep a stable amount of you guys around to support me, or to find enough new people to keep this hobby of mine profitable, and I'll be forced to work full time again.

So what should I do? I'm torn, really. If you have ideas or suggestions, please post them in the comments here, too. I know I don't always reply, but I read everything, and I appreciate everything you guys put forward.

Anyway, thanks for supporting me another month, it means the world to me.



I'll always stick around to support, but personally I understand your quandary. More people probably get more milage out of short animations, but at a certain point they become repetitive, you do alts which helps alleviate this, however I feel longer animations especially when using sound, are generally worth the wait. Such as Pixel Perry's MHA animations for example. There are just some good long animations that you go back to, same with short. It's a hard call. Maybe just flip flop? One month do all short anims, next month a long one. Putting all you want into an animation, especially fluid animation like what TDonTran posts sometimes makes a legendary animation, but nothing is wrong with shorter loops.


Anxiety from that kinda stuff can be the worst D: Don't let these thoughts fuck with you too much. Your work is excellent, you've extracted gallons from me. I'd support you no matter what you do. Loops are consistent, yes, but a longer one would generate more excitement and would have a longer life span as a whole, instead of the quick loops. For example, you could release the longer anim like a month or maybe a few weeks on patreon before public, instead of your usual one week, early-early access. Honestly, I would love to see you try a longer animation. A few loops mashed into one or just a longer single loop. And the last part/loop could be a climax, maybe or maybe not CUM because liquids in blender is a big learning curve, but you could make the climax like rougher sex/faster or what you think would be the best part, and the beginning could be building up to it. Also instead of having liquids, you could animate their balls clenching up, around their cock, on whoever is supposed to cum. If you are worried about the number of loops you release each month, I think then you should release mini loops of your longer animation as WIPs, to tease/update, but not the whole loop(s) to avoid Spoilers. You could always just alternate between long and short loops. Those are just a few ideas.


I like that idea. I can just release the individual loops as they finish here, or as WiPs, and then the full product with sound etc. when it's done.


I think I might just have to give it a try. The last project I tried it on actually went really smoothly, but I ran into the issue that I got sick for 3 weeks during, and got burned out because of that D: