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Well, I wish I had better news, guys, but I'm still stuck in bed. My fever peaked at 39,9 degrees yesterday and thankfully dropped to 38,8 this morning. I stay in touch with my doctor on how to deal with it, but it's mostly just a case of resting and sleeping. I hope I recover over the weekend.

This will be the first time I won't be able to meet my promise to you guys to deliver an animation every week. I'll be honest, I'm pretty broken up about it. My Patreon page has grown like crazy again this month, and I feel like I let you down, and I'm really sorry.

I'm gonna go back to sleep now. Thanks for all the kind words over the last week, I'm sorry I didn't have the energy to respond to everything.


Patreon Fan

I hope you get better soon my dude!


Take care of you before you take care of us