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Now that the core cast is established, it begs the question... What sort of situations and scenarios do you want to see them in? Please leave your ideas in the comments (or send them to be in a direct message if you'd rather!) I've attached the character overview page to this post for easy reference when suggesting who you'd like to be the focus!

My goal is to do at least one motion comic a month going forward incorporating one or more of the suggestions from these threads. As a refresher the three I've made so far are:

Also feel free to suggest the previous style of simple render concepts for characters that aren't my own, though I'll likely be putting a bit more priority on further establishing my OCs this month before I dive back into making the occasional princess piece.




Wouldn't mind some more auction material like in Holly's post. Maybe some post-sale perils, different for each character. Tentacle monsters or exotic pets welcome.

SepticSafe6548 _

Out of the three, I prefer Holly. Anything with her is my vote!