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Hello kind people, 

I wanted to say first that I'm incredibly grateful for your help through these dark times. It's been a rough week for me in a difficult time for everyone, and your support means the world to me - emotionnally first, and financially to be able to create content and keep growing as an artist, and hopefully, as a positive strenght in a world that can be harsh sometimes. 

It's a long post, so I put some gifs. ♥

-> The changes

Starting next month I will make drastic changes to my content production to avoid future delays with content, and adapt to my current budget aswell. All April content you pledged for is being produced and will be delivered ♥ I'll post more pictures of the sets in the next days! Earth-Chan is almost ready, and I'm working a lot on the Flower elf and Aerith now!

I'll get rid of physical rewards through Patreon as there are too many elements that can come in the way of their shipping - I don't know when the mailing services will be back to normal, and I'm keeping all your letters safe until I can finally ship them, but I'd rather avoid such situations in the future - same when I'm away from home for conventions and photoshoots, it always snowballs into delays for these rewards, and I don't like that. Instead I'll put more efforts into my Etsy where you'll be able to get prints and other goodies - I'll simply pause it when I'm unable to ship orders. 

I'll also simplify my content production. I'm currently getting overwhelmed with the amount of editing or organization I've to put in my work, and it takes me away from new projects and things I'd like to try and want to share with you. For example, as much as I love the idea of a huge set with many pictures and options, it's expensive to do, so I've to put it at a high price, and so less people can afford to see it, and it saddens me because well, if I spend about 10 full days working on something, I want to share it with as many of you as I reasonably can. 

New Patreon tiers : (will be changed around the 25th, I'll send you a PM to remind you to change your pledges if needed!)

The Fireplace Tier (5$)

A tier for friends and fans who want to support my activity but aren't into adult content. Access to poll when there are some, new HD cosplay pictures, blog posts, explanations about sets, and the possibility to download some ressources I'm creating for photo editing or drawing (like pose references, Lightroom presets, light effects...!) will be posted there.

The Lab Tier (15$)

The Lab tier! Instead of a full set, this will regroup all my tests and experiments of each month, through both HDs and selfies. Researches with lights, cosplay tests, fun stuff and my current elf serie (with a lower number of pictures) and cute candid selfies will be part of this tier from now on. Will have artistic nudity and cute fanservice pics! This will allow me to have more diverse content, and will make more regular posts much more easier. 

The Crossroads Tier (35$)

Monthly erocosplay set! This one doesn't change at all ♥ It'll still have 50+ HD pictures and some side selfies/gifs. I'll put my best efforts to make this one really pop out, have great matching backgrounds as soon as the lockdown is over. 

The Secret Room (55$)

The... Lewd vault? I'll have more kinky stuff here (still no hardcore content), just not under a monthly set. As the Lab tier, it'll be a mix of different types of selfmade content : HDs, selfies, gifs, videos...  I'll bring back the selfies sets as they seem to be missed by many of you, and have shorter HD sets of about 20 pictures. It'll also allow me to have a greater variety between fantasy, natural and cosplay content as there will be several sets each month :)

Side projects 

These changes will also free me some time for side projects. There are things I'm tempted to do for a few months, such as going back to drawing (sexy elveeeees) and writing books (book about more sexy elveeeeees...Ok, maybe not just that!! But I'll tell you more later for sure!) 

I'll also do more collabs with fellow artists like photographers to create very high quality merch like postcard series or calendars, and other cool projects like that that I'm very excited about ♥

What happened? 


With the crisis hitting most of us, I've lost part of my income (which is totally understandable, please take care of yourself and your families ♥) and while I still have sets to edit for other people, it leaves me unable to take side jobs to cover the loss. It hits me now, but it'll have consequences for several months from now on, so that's pretty frightening.

I also had a booth planned for Japan Expo, for the cost of ~$800, and with the convention being cancelled, it's very unsure if and how much we'll be reimbursed. Knowing the situation was tricky, I didn't get stock on my most expensive merch, but still have invested in material for prints, buttons and stickers that I make from home, so that's a lot of money suspended in time by the lockdown. The quarantine here affects the postal services a lot, so my Etsy (where I usually sell goodies!) is closed, waiting for better times. We have minimal service here, and I don't want to take the risk for things to get lost, or mail workers to take risks for non-essential goods. 


On top of that, I'm going through intense changes in my own personal mind. I don't think it's the best place and time to speak about it, but to make it short, I've had confirmation from a psychologist that I'm neuroatypical and waiting to pass tests to confirm a diagnosis. It doesn't change much for you, I'm still your friendly-awkward-fantasy-pinup, but it gave me a lot to think about while editing those sweet pictures lately and left me emotionally fragile, so I totally collapsed when some people got very disrespectul toward my work earlier this week. 

There are things I'm used to deal with - like insults on my appearance, I don't care. But sometimes I have to deal with a lot more malicious things like people bothering my friends to stalk me, shaming me away from events and communities, leaking content and trying to blackmail me with the fact that I'm producing adult content... Well, actions that aren't just disrespectful but also a threat to my safety and wellbeing. 

Thank you for being there

Your support, weither it's financial, emotional or both, is what keeps me going as a content creator. I've always been creating and will always continue to do so, but having the opportunity to focus on that, learn and make pictures every day is an absolute bliss. Since the beginning of my journey with you on Patreon, I improved a lot my photography skills (especially selfportraits and editing), made a lot of handmade costumes, beautiful sets I'm proud of, and I hope to keep growing like that a lot more. 

Please stay safe and take care of you ♥ 





Big virtual hugs to you. I will continue to support you as best as I can and sorry to hear about people making things worse.


Thanks to you for still being here and doing your best despite the difficulties. Your strength is always inspiring.


I hope you will be able to reimburse the losses spent on the Japan Expo, but we will hope for a better outcome in the world.


Keeping things simple and efficient is best, every little bit adds up. I think you will get a refund, it seems unfair for them not to, its not your fault and it'd be stealing if they kept it. That sounds horrible, some people just have that desire to sabotage others because of their own insecurities or envy, people do crazy things for dumb reasons and that's sad. Its not much but take this quote, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Keep doing your best, keep being the silly snack loving elven witchy rogue that you are, you'll always have people's support so keep hanging in there and take care as well.


I hope so too... I'm anxious for myself but also for the general situation. I've no idea what will be there after the crisis, it's very hard to anticipate. I just hope we can all be safe.


Thank you so much ♥ Yeah, it's hard to get some more hurtful things when the situation is already difficult for everyone... I'll try my best to keep going ♥


For Japan Expo, I'm unsure of what will happen. It's unfair but it wouldn't be stealing as they have fees too that they may not be able to get reimbursed for and insurances don't cover pandemics for most. Many events will be in danger because of that. According to Japan Expo's TOS they'll reimburse proportionally to whatever money they have left once they have paid all the fees they cannot get reimbursed. Now we also need to hope they'll be honest with that. I'm waiting for official instructions and hope for the best ♥


I saw your Instagram post and immediately came to Patreon to offer more tangible support. I appreciate all that you do & the energy you invest. Merci mille fois!