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I did this strip a little different to what Andy originally scripted, kinda wanted to show more how Jimmy gets passionated about his world building, by showing more the little more of this little world and the immersion instead of just a transition panle by panel to the tavern as they're sit on the game table



Leon Canidae

I feel for Jimmy in this. This feels like my first stab at GMing.


The backgrounds and NPCs look incredible! Those had to take a ton of work.


The amount of detail and scope of the backgrounds here is phenomenal!


I love this comic, keep up the great work both of you. This page is particularly impressive though. Well done.

Hr. Seehund

Yeah! Drunk D&D👍🍻

Frost Byte

Kurk is going for the immersion experience, his character drinks, he drinks IRL.


Did this once while playing a dwarf. Do not quite recommend, no… 👀 (Then again, I don't often drink, so… 🙄)