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Welp! So many new people here! I gotta say drawing Shirota-san is power! (haha)

Ehem, thank you for joining new patrons, i do appreciate your support and will work hard to compensate that support and trust.

And for my former patrons, what can i say? you know my work, even if good or not, you keep on lending me hand and i cannot stop thank you for that (you know who you are ;3)

i know there have been a lack of updates and streams this past weeks, but as some already know, in October i'll be an invited artist at some of the new furry cons in México; La Confuror 2019 and well, im working to get my stuff ready

ALSO!! Like i have been saying previously, I'm working on a new project to keep The Pigpen alive. Nope, is not the first date arc nor the book (sobs) but something new, to which im itching to tell something, atleast to me, that is really incredible!

of course as patrons, you'll be the first to know about it as soon it is ready

Saludos and have a pinche good day!



You too have a pinche buen día. <3