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So a friend approached be about this and now im starting to think about making a change to the patreon tiers. Obviously theres no preventing patreon leaks, but it beginning to make early access a bit less worthwhile, so I feel as if there should be less emphasis on that as a reward.

So instead my proposal is to do a few changes:

- Scrap early access completely (Early access WIP screenshots will be unchanged)

- Public release will be downgraded from 720p and only be 540p resolution w/ Watermark

- Gold tier now gets animation with audio (Due to no more early access and public version having sound)

- Make 1440p and 4k resolution available for all diamond tiers and up

- Diamond tiers will now get access to poll voting

- VIP Tiers will now get animated WIPs instead of screenshots.

Thats my best attempt at balancing things and still making each tier feel like it has the same value as before. Let me know what you think. Whether youre in favor or against the changes. Your general opinion will decide whether or not I go through with the changes.



I think that this will work out fine. I hope it will help you in future endeavors.


Sounds good to me. 👍


I am already at Diamond so its all a win win for me. I think people overthink the price tiers tbh. Costs less than a single trip to McDonald normally for Diamond. I pay about $20 for 4 patrons total a month so the $1 tier is really dumb as a whole tbh. If it were me(I don't have a single artistic bone in my body all #programmerLife) I would just scrap the $1 silver tier and only do Screenshots(Free public view) on projects that are like mid way done to incentivize people to become a patreon to see the completed versions instead of paying $1 for a screen shot or gif. Then have Gold get a 720p/with sound initial release and then have 1080p in the archive later. Gives insensitive to up to Diamond however Gold will still get the 1080p later in the month the the 720p available. 720p would be more likely to leak before the 1080p + since people have to wait they might be more likely not to leak at all. Just some thoughts.


Made an edit about the $1 silver section after re-reading it didn't come across as what I had meant.


I think that's fair. I have a pretty large number of patreons that I follow and I normally aim for the max res tier. You will still have leaks, but with a lower res version out I think it wont be as big a deal.


Raise $1 price to $2 if possible, it will earn you a lot more in the long run


Gold being 720p initially and 1080p in the archive later on does sound like good compromise as i do feel im not giving Diamond tiers anything all that special other than a slightly bigger res. (and 4k videos are too big. This Linkle anim is 160 mb at just 30 seconds. So i might just stick with 1440p which im sure are much more common than 4k monitors) But in regards to the Silver tier, its more like a tip/donation jar with small treats you can take. Or atleast thats its purpose. Its a relic from when my patreon was just sitting here unannounced and people found it and wanted to throw a few dollars my way without any reward.


That's fair. I might just be slightly annoyed at patreons in general. I come across some where there is literally nothing to look at because its all locked behind a $1 paywall to see anything at all. Which leads to other sites to find what they have done, which as soon as someone goes looking for examples ends up turning into them just looking for anything they can for free. I'm more of the mentality the longer you keep someone on a page the more likely they are to subscribe or at least stay on the website for longer.


Well the 1 dollar tier is surprising the least popular tier. I dont think it'll earn me too much. Plus its more of a "small donation" tier.


I have a 4K monitor and a large external hard drive, so I was very much a fan of your 4K videos. I understand if you need to remove them though. :x


I'd rather not since I'm a poor bastard who wants to support Kreamu as much as possible yet can only afford the cheapest tier. -_-