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This will probably be a good while into the future as other things to priority, but I like planning out animations ahead of time.

SO, should it be a continuation of the previous animation, or a (partial) remake of the Comic? 

Link to my animation for reference

Link to original comic for reference 

Sorry if im "spamming" you guys with polls, im just really interested in what others opinions. ( '3')



You guys really like stressing me with these poll ties dont you.

Christian Herrera (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-31 09:05:05 Broke that Tie! Personally, I would go for recreating the Jlullaby comic, since there's already so much Hardcore action in it, those poses would be enough in motion <3 But, you can also go to the middle route and re-create the JL comic AND add any unique poses/animations you want into the action. Can even give it a unique ending, since the comic, sadly didn't have a proper end. (Unless you're feeling up in adding a Yang Model to animation remake of said comic XD)
2019-09-23 21:27:52 Broke that Tie! Personally, I would go for recreating the Jlullaby comic, since there's already so much Hardcore action in it, those poses would be enough in motion <3 But, you can also go to the middle route and re-create the JL comic AND add any unique poses/animations you want into the action. Can even give it a unique ending, since the comic, sadly didn't have a proper end. (Unless you're feeling up in adding a Yang Model to animation remake of said comic XD)

Broke that Tie! Personally, I would go for recreating the Jlullaby comic, since there's already so much Hardcore action in it, those poses would be enough in motion <3 But, you can also go to the middle route and re-create the JL comic AND add any unique poses/animations you want into the action. Can even give it a unique ending, since the comic, sadly didn't have a proper end. (Unless you're feeling up in adding a Yang Model to animation remake of said comic XD)


yeah i might add my own little stuff to it. Biggest problem is that i obviously cant recreate every pose/action in the comic. The models would literally break lol. Also theres a modified Workout yang model in the works that uses Ruby as the base. So we'll see!

Christian Herrera

Even more reason, to add your own poses/ideas within the animated Comic. As much as the comic is Great! It's not flawless, and for some panels the Guys body proportions is really massive. Although Ruby getting Roughed and Fucked is a good distraction from that XD Can't wait to see what you do add to the comic, your animations has been on a whole another level of greatness and lewdness!