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its hard to tell if its an organic decline, but ive technically made the most amount of things this year compared to the others where i did less throughout all tiers. I genuinly dont understand what the issue is and as you can tell its getting exhausting maintaining a constant fall. 




Patreon has been doing a lot of weird things too. Like 2 months ago I was unsubscribed from your Patreon for “fraudulent payment” when Patreon changed banks and my bank flagged the transaction as such. I imagine a lot of people also got this and just didn’t check or remember who they had subscribed to

Tom Nougat

I mean it could be a case of posting more Patreon exclusive content ala horny shit


To be real I think it's Patreon cuz they had issues excepting payment with my card but for some reason once I changed my payment method to PayPal I stopped having issues...this shit's weird man but I hope you stop having to deal with this soon. I know how it feels to pour all your guts into something you like only for it to go ignore


Well, no matter what happens, I intend to stay right where I am. You make great art, great enough to be here supporting you. I don't know if that helps any, but just know that yoy will always have at least one person with you.

Kurist Zero

Hey Aetherion! Just chiming in on this as I was trying to subscribe to you tonight and had an issue with payment. Called the bank and it was Paypal causing the problem. The moment I put in my card details directly I could subscribe :) Might be worth doing a public post (ie not needing a membership) reminding people to check their subscription due recent changes at Patreon. It *should* still go to people who's payments have lapsed as it looks like your status gets set to "following" instead of "subscribed", so they should still get the update. Hope this helps get your numbers back up!