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Patreon is kicking people out of their subscriptions at random, if thats happening to you guys let me know. Im trying to diagnose this issue of not getting patrons back properly.

If so or if not, please make sure youre still patronned to me by next month, or lemme know why ive been bleeding patrons. It used to be maintain at 2000 patrons now its a struggle to keep 500. I have plans to move out and i cant if this isnt steady.


Egor A. Palchyk

It's definitely a Patreon issue. At the beginning of this month, I was booted from all but four people that I support. Those four? Happy to take my money. Everyone else? Just wouldn't do it. And for the first week of the month, just wouldn't take my money. Not even over another payment method or even the awful PayPal. Then, over the course of the last nine days or so, I'd go through the entire failed list on the daily and it'd start to take my money for some people. But seemingly at random. Like...yep, yep, nope, yep, nope, nope, nope, yep...you get the idea. Finally got everyone back yesterday. As far as I can tell, it was triggered by Patreon moving.their funds to Dublin as a tax avoidanc scheme...but, who knows. Maybe it's just coincidental timing with that. Either way, the best to you. I hope Patreon gets this nonsense straightened out. But I also suggest having a parallel...like, SubscribeStar or Fanbox or something. Fewer people there and it's annoying to update multiple places, but income diversity is good.


No issues here - subscriptions look ok. Will keep an eye on them though.