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Hey! I hope everyone is doing well. I decided to pick four requests this month before I go hard on the Chrono Cross album. I chose:

Wind’s Nocture (Lunar Silver Star Story) suggested by Amber Faunce

Vale (Golden Sun) suggested by Hannah Nixon

Crysta (Terranigma) suggested by Ver-Toni

piano version of Eternal Wind (FF XIV / FF III) suggested by Tirzah Bauer and Jinkyung Kim

I'm going to record these past requests this month, but I wanted to share the sheet music since it has taken a while for some of these. Just a heads up, I may change some stuff while recording.

Spira Unplugged (Final Fantasy X): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cq-7slsT3SXQ6gpGjXcG8-jMtva2PIdF/view?usp=sharing

Awake (Celeste): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KVXl0nE0De2pslyhX865ikQEAInwVStG/view?usp=sharing

Lazy Afternoons (Kingdom Hearts II): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fdB9kXa83tSKhq_KU-DgUA3yd7ZVnTIN/view?usp=sharing

For requests:

I will arrange and record at least one request each month. Just put your requests in the comments and feel free to post more than once. A YouTube link to the track also helps.



A classic that sounds great on classical guitar and that no one has done justice to as of yet. https://youtu.be/IY6AuPiD3P4


I second tomorrow and tomorrow