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I went with 'Bond of Sea and Flame' from Xenogears requested by Daniel. This song has been requested a ton and is super nostalgic for me to work on. I got excited and already finished the arrangement. I have this and last month's request (Chrono Trigger tracks Wind Scene, Schala's Theme, and Guardia Millenial Fair) in the folder. I should them recorded by the end of the month.

For requests:

I will arrange and record at least one request each month and post it in the following month. Just comment below your requests and feel free to post more than once. A YouTube link to the track also helps.



Awake from Celeste 🙌🏼 https://youtu.be/BFVyvGmwlmk Resurrections has the same motif with a different vibe https://youtu.be/1rwAvUvvQzQ


For the person who suggested "The Day Will Come": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVR32UbyOfg


Secret of Mana - Still of the Night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLG8d1AXE2s (different from Spirit of the Night you already covered...confusingly similar titles!)


I am a huge sucker for the Golden Sun soundtrack. And to my knowledge, there are virtually no classical arrangements of most of the songs. What I would love to see most, is Issac's battle theme or the Venus Lighthouse theme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19ZdAZO9FvU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5d1rrbNo3o


Hey, John. I'm a big fan of FFXIV's soundtrack, which has some wonderful tracks that I think would sound great as classical guitar arrangements. This time, I'd like to request Titania's theme, found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saYCZ9jzLEA . Thank you, looking forward to Bond of Sea and Flame.

Adrien D.

Hi John, I have a bit of an annoying request. Would you consider making a spreadsheet listing all the tabs that you made available on patreon and give them some sort of difficulty ranking? I got motivated to start playing classical guitar after watching your videos but when learning something new I find it hard to identify which difficulties I could actually overcome by practicing and which tunes are simply too advanced for me. Anyways, it's always a pleasure to hear you play, I hope I'll be able to catch a livestream someday and come to say hello (I'm following you from europe and the time delay is pretty large) Cheers!


I think it's a fantastic idea and I have it on my to-do list. It just might take a little bit haha. Have a good one, man!


Hello there. Crimson Sunrise got me hooked and I've got couple more FFXIV request to the list. Not quite sure if someone has requested them already but The Tempest (https://youtu.be/FfqtLE2zSno) or Amaurot (https://youtu.be/3LjE6pLI7xM) would be very relaxing on guitar. The game has such a good and diverse sound track that it's a shame there aren't more good acoustic guitar covers of its songs.


Welp, today is my birthday. And I have a song to request. It's a song that changed my perspective on VG Music altogether. It was sometime in high school (around 2004 probably). I was seriously invested into the story and world of FFIX, and towards the end of the game, this song came on with some serious drama within the story. At the time, I didn't know what the song was called. Many years later, I obtained the official OST and came to find out that it was called "You're Not Alone." I won't name any names but a number of years ago, there WAS a classical guitar arrangement posted by somebody else on Youtube. It has since been either removed or restricted from USA, not sure. Ever since then, I have been hooked on learning how to play these amazing classical arrangements! Regardless, it would be amazing to see a John Oeth rendition of this beautiful and emotional song. For context, a link to the actual song when it's actually played in-game: https://youtu.be/X8hvNlIeY8A Keep up the amazing work!


A Ecruteak City John Oeth version from Pokemon G&S https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljAwbWxADn4


Kind-of in the same vein as yuffie but this one has always tugged the ol heartstrings. https://youtu.be/4ijqOvCn9_A


Thanks for all the great performances. I request this song, "Etrian Odyssey IV - Music: Labyrinth I - Cerulean Woodlands" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTU-jTmWr-k&list=PLgmm1nWdMQdyloG9n08oiAQvAr1a1ywiP&index=14


Im a beginner so I would ask for something easy as Chaos Temple or Breeze. But from Michiru Yamane lol. Best Michiru theme coud be Voyage of Promise, but I think it should be quite hard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMA1mdAiWfs So maybe Moonlight Nocture from SOTN is easier lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5U9toBDqOo But... u know what I mean, just some easy Michiru's. Thanks for all!!!!! U rule!!!