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Hi guys, i have some news...

I don't really know how tumblr copyright works, but my archie fan art right here got taken down because apparently this image is "bringing bad name" to pokemon franchise. And also my nsfw spark pic months before.

And they say this is the second and final warning, and if I got copyright issue again, my tumblr account will be taken down.

I am very confused right now, because i always see archie/spark nsfw fan arts everywhere on tumblr but only mine got taken down. so if you know what and whatnot to put on tumblr please inform me U_U

thank you



Deece Nouts

Omg that sucks! I would just refrain from posting art that is linked to any big companies like nintendo or disney.


Seriously?!?? Ugh tumblr is getting worse


I'll tell you why, because they're jelaous about your art, thats why you can't have them up


Yeah that's more Nintendo than Tumblr, they are super super strict on their IPs. A cafe got sued last year for throwing a Pokemon themed Party which if I remember correctly wasn't for profit, not to mention there was the whole copyright issue with them cracking down on Let's Plays so streamers couldn't play their games. So it's not your fault, Nintendo are just very overbearing with their IP.


It's because of Nintendo. Here's an article about it <a href="http://nintendoeverything.com/nintendo-issuing-dmca-takedown-notices-for-pornographic-fan-art/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://nintendoeverything.com/nintendo-issuing-dmca-takedown-notices-for-pornographic-fan-art/</a>


They are just jealous of your sexy art

8 Cats and a Bagel

What I see a lot of other people do is link their art to other sites with a cropped image so it technically doesn't break the rules. You could probably post these on your patreon and just make it so everyone can see them.


along with what 8 cats and a bagel said, I've also seen some artists using twitter for nsfw stuff because Nintendo doesn't seem to be able to be as much of controlling assholes over there :V i've done it myself as a backup too


haha yeah well a big company like them souldn't even have followed any activity for a small blog like mine.. oh well


I don't want to take the risk T_T well i wont post any nsfw nitendo stuffs in my tumblr anymore


Your sexy art probably gave someone at Nintendo a confusing boner and their internalized homophobia kicked in lol.