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While I work on porting my mods over to Skyrim SE, Kandlin has been working on playing catchup.  Hopefully we will have a few more final pieces approved tomorrow that I can post before we put the account on pause for the end of the month.  

If you have not gotten your owed art requests to me for September and October, please do so as soon as possible.  We want to have everything caught up and get back on track by the end of December.  And while Bean is sleeping better now, we never know when we will have an off night.

~ Galadreal




Thanks for the head's up and all the hard work!


Sorry, I've been one of those remiss in getting you the deets for my last few sketches! I'll make sure to send those in this week so they're in your hands during the month's hiatus. Hope there's more breathing room for Kandlin with the new system. :)


No worries, and i was not trying to call you out, we just want to make sure that he gets caught up on everybody's stuff that he owes so that he can start 2017 fresh and not owing a bunch of art.