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While Kandlin is frantically scrambling to catch up on art (and dong a good job of it, I might add), I decided that today (while the Bean was asleep) I would come up with some new Tier Levels.  These are just a trial (unless they are very well recieved.  Someone mentioned that Patreon gets about half of the first dollar, so for all you $1 dollar patrons, we were considering starting out at $2, but wanted your opinion.

There are new levels in different price rangesfrom the basic $2 for early access to all completed works, all the way up to the $140 dollar range for all the goodies and streaming time.  

This is just a test, but considering the normal commission prices, the inquiry was put forth as to why a guaranteed piece of art was less the price of a commission, especially since you get all the other stuff.  So, rewards have been reevaluated, a few new items have been added in, and we are better organized, so that hopefully once Kandlin is caught up with his current workload (fingers crossed, by January), we will start taking Patreon Pledges again.  As I said before, at the end of this month, I will be pausing the account so that no one gets charged, and I will make a similar announcement once charges will start up again.

I know that some of these are a large spike in price, but this is both to keep Kandlin from becoming too overloaded, and to stay close to current commission prices (since you get more than just a commission, you also get all the extra stuff).  

Please note, that at least for the moment, the reward tiers offering artwork have also been limited, to keep him from getting overloaded, again, until he establishes a better routine.  So, please, take a look, think about what you want, and let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions based on the current levels that are suggested.

Also, Xpray, I totally looked at your Patreon and snagged your bullet point layout, it just looked so much nicer.  Thank you for having a well thought out and orderly layout that I could use as an example.  Everyone else, if you don't already support Xpray, go check out his stuff, he is awesome.

I would appreciate feedback here, but pleae remain civil, even if you think I have lost my mind.  I was going by current commission prices when I made up these new tiers.

Please also note, that in the descriptins that say no excessive detail, we mean huge feathered wings, lots of gears and cogs, or very very elaborate characters that take several hours just to draw the patterns on.  This is a pretty rate occurrence, and if you do make a request of this type we will send you a message about it, so don't sweat it, unless you are some sort of masochist, in which case...hey, have fun there.

Finally, there is some debate on private works now, on if the reward you get has to remain private or not.  That is still under consideration.  All artwork that has been done so far under that agreement will remain so, but this practice is under consideration for removal.  We are all here to see art, so Kandlin spending a lot of time on art that no one sees kind of defeats the purpose of people pledging to see his art.

Thank you




I really appreciate the every other month option! I think it strikes a balance between keeping a sane workload and a fair reward. As much as I'd like to support at the color level every month, that's got to be a rare treat for me. :)


I am glad you like the option, thank you for suggesting it (I think it was you), it should help keep him from getting overwhelmed, while still allowing people to get art that they want.


I think the half of a sketch idea isnt a bad idea. I went ahead and signed for that. there wont be any charge for Dec right? so that means I would be charged jan and feb and get the chance for a sketch in February slots?


No charge for November, which will happen on the first of December...Yes. So, in about 5 days I will pause the account, it will automatically reopen on the second so not one will pay for this month. Then, in December, we will hopefully be caught up and the payment for December, which comes out on the first of January will be taken. As the half a tier sketch, that means that once January's payment came out on the first of February, you would get a sketch.


I like the changes, I am rooting for the no private works on patreon though. It definitely gives the lower tiers more bang for their buck as well as follows true to the point of the patreon. (Which is showcasing Kandlin's works made possible due to folks that really want to support him.) Pledging now as to not miss out on the slot I want. Will monitor how patreon charges me since a temporary one is currently in place due to it being a high cost tier.