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Disclaimer:  This is Galadreal, not Kandlin.  I have hijacked his account for an hour while our Bean sleeps so I can collect commission art to post for everyone to enjoy.  Also, I wanted to ask a couple of questions, based on some notes and replies.  So...now for something completely different...a man with 2 noses.
No...wait...what?  Sorry, I have not slept much, and I have watched way too much Monty Python.  And I am generally rambley anyway.  Sorry.

I guess I will start with the obvious, this Patreon is kicking his ass, which is not something I take lightly.  All week he has been working on catch up, which means that he comes to bed at 2 a.m., gets up between 5 and 6 for a feeding, then crawls back in bed for maybe half an hour to try to get up at 7 to go to work, and it all starts over again.  He works 9 hours a day for raving lunatic assholes (I know, I used to work there too), and then comes home, helps me with the Bean (who is his own kind of crazy), then spends most of the evening working on art, which he says he does not feel comfortable charging more for, because he is not faster/better at it.  Of course, if you did not like his art, I doubt you would be here...but that is a whole separate kettle of fish.

He has received some suggestions that I happen to agree with, so I will now be throwing them out there to see who else agrees, who disagrees, who tells me I am nuts...etc etc etc.

Basic entry is $1.  For that you get all the art.  But what about more rewards, like WIP art for the $5 reward?  what do you want for your $5, what do you think is fair? (FYI, I will be trying to get all the commissions, except the private ones uploaded as soon as he tells me which ones are private).  But if I can get those sketches, would you be interested in seeing the extra steps to his work?

Commission tiers: Right now you are guaranteed a commission every month, but you know that he is behind on art (working on catching up), the cost is, of course, less than a normal commission price.  Would you be willing to pay more for the guarantee of his work every month (once he gets caught up, maybe take a month down from Patreon, close everything down, and then start up fresh with new prices to better reflect the work?), IE: instead of the current 20 dollar fee, or his normal 25 dollar charge, would you be willing to pay 30 to be guaranteed a sketch commission every month?  Same thing for Color, he normally charges 60 for a full color, shaded commission of 2 characters, would be be willing to pay 70-75 for a guaranteed spot, or 60 for a single character. 

On that note, do you think private commissions should be extra, like $5, just because it is not something he can post for everyone to see?

He might need to limit sketch and commission tiers until/unless this picks up.  Tackling a 8-5 job and doing this will eventually make the Patreon fall away completely, it is just not sustainable.  And while things will get better once we get past this 4 month sleep regression with Bean...oh my GOD, I miss sleep...it is still a lot of work.  He does not want anyone to feel like they are not getting their money's work, so he does not want to ask these questions.  I however, have no problem with it, as I think they need to be asked.  Also, I crave adult interaction as most of my conversations lately have been with an almost 5 month old and involved boobs, poop, or "oh my gods, please go to sleep".

I appreciate your responses and any suggestions or ideas you might have, as well as you taking the time to read this horribly long post.

Thank you,

Galadreal "Gail"

P.S. Hopefully as I get caught up on sleep (HA HA HA HA!!!), I can help him get more organized and get things posted in a timely manner...i am a little OCD with organizing, much like Twilight Sparkle, but without the cool magic to help, or a Dragon personal assistant...though that would be really cool.



Increasing the price of the sketch/color tiers would be completely reasonable. Sorry everything's so hectic for you two right now.


Yeah I'd be happy to pay a little extra


Honestly, when I set this thing up, and started collecting his art to get the ball rolling, I thought we had a couple of months before the Bean arrived, so that we would have a system down before he got here...then he showed up 6 weeks early and everything has been behind since then. We are both sorry for this, but hopefully Kandlin can take a month off, nobody gets charged for it, and get all caught up...though probably not on sleep, I think that is still a few months away. :) Still, more than anything, he wants to make sure that everyone feels like they are getting their money's worth, so I really need to start posting his artwork, so people actually do get something that they are paying for. :)


groovy, thanks for the reply. Hopefully new tiers can come out soon.


Personally, I'd understand a slight bump in the sketch commission tier, but a 50 percent bump seems kind of sudden. I'd say limiting the sketch tiers and larger commission commitments is an important part of managing things. I've always had great dealings with you, but understand that it can take a few months. That's okay with me, as long as commissioners know what they're getting into.


If you're going to go the $25 route for sketches, I'd say create a $12.50 per month tier and offer those commissions every 2 months after payment goes through. The increase doesn't feel as big, you better manage your time and it keeps things more reasonable for you to enjoy the benefits of Patreon without feeling stressed. It worked pretty well for Psu and Rwolf, who have used similar structures.


I don't think you should be charging "less than a normal commission price" for a patreon tier. If anything it should be /higher/ than a normal commission since it's guaranteed for a month. I can help setup a spreadsheet, or a Trello if you guys need some assistance getting organized.


Also I think Kandlin's artwork is really, really good. If he's getting overwhelmed by sketches then he should be charging more. That will mean less Patron's can afford to pledge at that level... but that's the point.


Thank you! he does not listen to me...it is that whole "you love me, you have to say nice things about my art"


I agree, but I try not to get too much into the affairs of his art, because I don't ask people to do anything I can't do...and I have the artistic talent of a doorstop. I appreciate the offer, and I might take you up on the spreadsheet, but I want to give it a shot myself...if I can get the information from him to put in a spreadsheet, once again, I just don't want to intrude too much and cause him more stress, or be a bigger pain in the ass then I already am to him....I really wish there was a way for me to post to his account...like some sort of admin privileges, since this makes it look like he is speaking in the third person.


I like the idea of splitting the cost of a $25 sketch over 2 months so he only has to do the art every other month. bottom line is of course he has to do what he can do and if that means limiting the number of commissions,charging a bit more for them or whatever it takes then you have to do it. out of curiousity how far behind is he on the patreon owed stuff? I know doing those super cheap emergency sketches must have put him way behind. While I was super happy with that Milo and me picture he did I was expecting since they were so dirt cheap hed do them after the patreon stuff not before.


I am not sure, I am working on some spreadsheets to find that out. I have strongly encouraged him to focus on the Patreon rewards, as he did give a starting disclaimer that the $10 commissions might take some time to get finished. So, this last week he has been focusing almost exclusively on Patreon (minus 2 that he had almost finished for sketches). I will hopefully be posting an update as soon as I know more, and starting to post one commission or art a day to share them with everybody (the ones that are not private).


I do think he may have taken on more than he could feasibly handle. I wouldn't mind paying a few bucks more for commissions (it means I have to work harder to raise the money! Everyone wins!), but I also feel Kandlin might need to set boundaries for detail. Overly detailed sketches might need to incur an additional charge to account for the time spent working on them compared to simpler two person sketches.


I would happily save for more detailed/colored stuff too if possible; I'm very satisfied with my previous commissions!


One important thing to note is getting rid of FREE private slots. There just isn't any benefit to this at all for an artist. You obviously see there is a enough demand each time he opens commissions to be able to accommodate for the people who may only wanted private. But worst cast scenario, private commissions should be 1.5 of the total cost AT LEAST so kandlin gets more kick back for his time and effort. (Ex: 60 total cost would be and additional 30 usd if private to make total 90). I would believe for patreon, no work should be private so the people that pay 1 to 5 usd get to see as much content as possible.


Also you probably want to charge 2 usd to see WIPs and Sketches and 5 usd to see all works that aren't normal private commissions. (If you charge 1 usd for a pledge all the money mainly goes to patreon due to fees. I think you'll only get 42 cent off the dollar.) Yes, I am happy to pay at normal commission price or a little more for guaranteed art seeing how kandlin rarely opens anyway, and when he does its flooded with applicants already (PROVING JUST HOW GOOD HE IS lol). I would say the 100 usd tier is too much effort and work as well so he may need to get rid or significantly increase it as well. Lastly, limit the tiers to what he think he is able to handle. Definitely catch up on work and freeze the patreon. Again I forget how to do this but I remember one person I pledge did freeze is so that no payment would process that month. And when caught up, go live with the new reward tiers.


As much as I'm sure everyone would love to win it, I think the tier for inclusion in the "monthly drawing for a full-color single character request" is probably set too low. Maybe bump that up to a $10 tier at least? And I don't think there would be riots if the raffle was turned into a bimonthly affair for that matter. The Patreon Poll Winner seems more important since those pictures are likely to have broader appeal. I agree that asking for a "private" piece of art should definitely cost extra - most of the work posted here can put on other sites as advertising for this patreon, and/or shared on the patreon as part of the standard community rewards. Asking for a piece of art that can't be used in that way should really come with an additional price since the time spent making it could have been spent doing something with wider benefits (sorry if that comes off as harsh on anyone). Honestly it might be best to just save that stuff for whenever commissions open - maybe patrons can have first crack at the commission list whenever it opens as a tradeoff for having all the normal monthly art be freely posted. I'd highly recommend a disclaimer that there will be an additional fee for especially complicated character design elements (such as feathered wings, elaborate tattoos, additional limbs, a long length of chain, a complex gun or armor, intricately patterned fur, a detailed prop, etc). I'm sure we've all seen a few character designs that were set on "hard mode". Make a list of the stuff that would be especially challenging and come up with what seems like a reasonable price for adding things like that to a piece of art, while also stating that very complex design elements not on the list would also result in an additional fee.