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I've been quiet for a few days, but the reason for that has been that we finally retrieved our newborn (premature) baby from the hospital last Thursday, meaning that the 5 days have been a whirlwind of work and wonderment 24 hours a day; and I do mean 24 hours, as sleep is few and far between. And since sleep has been a high priced commodity, computer and internet time has been equally, if not more, rare.

First, I'd like to apologize to those on my commission list for a lack of contact, and ensure everyone that I am still working away at their commissions as time provides. I beg you to be patient with me and will do my best

Secondly, thanks to everyone who votes in the SurveyMonkey July character poll. The winner got 2 votes more than the runner up, making it a fairly clear victory. Expect her image, and multi images, up soon.

Lastly, there will be an update to the Patreon before the end of the month that will include information that will go into effect at the beginning of August. While there will not be major changes to the $1 patrons, there will include new additions to higher paying sections, including a raffle, sketch requests and busts and some clearer set out goals. If anyone has anyone has any suggestions on things they might like to see, any and all opinions will be given their consideration. These changes will be announced on the last week of July so anyone might be able to change their pledge or drop out if they feel the need.

Thanks again to everyone who supports me on this, and I hope to have more work put out as things settle down on the home front. In the mean time, have a sketch of female Sonic in a nighty.

Now, back to the drawing board.




your baby is more important then furry art. Anyone who doesnt understand is a jerk. Also,cute gal there !