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Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I have been pretty sick.

I uploaded new art this week over on Discord, but am still working on getting previews and tags done over here.  Sorry for the delays.

 We are caught up through July, which was the last month before we took a break, so just a few more images and hopefully we can get back on track with new stuff.

Thanks again for all your patience and for hanging around.  Now I am going to go douse myself with nyquil (I was totally going to have a hard cider, but i forgot), and pass out to sleep the sleep of the heavily medicated and hopefully get better soon.

Tomorrow Kandlin celebrates his escape from a uterus 42 years ago, so I get to give him presents....I am a compulsive gift giver, I can't help it.

Anyway, have a good night and hopefully I will make more sense tomorrow when I am less asleep at the keyboard.




Woot weekend birthday this year. I hope he has a great one!


happy birthday Kandlin! I hope you got some good stuff!


Did I somehow miss the Discord invite link, or is it only for the higher tiers?


Patreon Bot on the Discord server should have let you know...but I sent you a PM