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As you may have seen, things are moving along steadily, if not speedily. So, here is a new Status Report for 2017 art owed:

January - Finished except for Poll Winner

February - Finished except for Poll Winner

March - Waiting on 1 approval, and Poll Winner

April - Finished except for raffle Winner

May - waiting on 1 approval, raffle winner and Poll Winner

June - 1 Sketch (needs a few changes), and 1 color (being sketched now), raffle winner, and Poll winner (original is finished, working on alternates)

July - 1 color, 6 sketches, raffle winner, and Poll winner

Emergency Sketch Commissions - 5 or 6...I need to check the records.

After that we will be taking a brief break from commissions to do Holiday Cards, and post original artwork (possibly comic pages, working on layouts, etc).

If you have any problems accessing the Discord channels please let me know.  I will try to find time soon to revise and reorganize the Patreon soon to remove certain tags, and art that might be against TOS...these will be available to Patreon's upon request via dropbox link.

Thanks and goodnight!  ~Galadreal


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