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thanks to everyone who came out to the stream tonight, it is always fun.  As soon as I am able to, I will get the pictures from the stream posted here.  Not tonight though, as I am just up to change diaper and feed the Bean, and wanted to post to keep everyone in the loop.

January - 2 owed sketches, both have been started

February - 2 owed color images, both have been drawn and inked and are in process.  2 owed sketches, One is waiting on final approval, the other is in the rough stage.

March - 1 Color image and 4 sketches owed...I don't know the status of any of these, sorry.

April - 2 Colored images owed, both in the sketch stage, 2 sketches owed 

May - 4 color images owed, 2 are in the sketch stage, I am not sure about the other 2.  7 sketches...I think 3 of them are in process, maybe more.

June - 3 color images owed, one is inked, I am not sure of the status of the other 2.  4 sketches owed, one should be finished except for background details, I don't know the status of the others.

Raffle winners for April, May, and June have been chosen, and are being worked on as time allows.  

Poll picks are also in the works, and at least one of them was in process during this weekend's stream, though some alternate versions are in the works.

Emergency sketch commissions are down to 8 people...though some of those do have multiples.

I am sorry for the lack of knowledge here, Kandlin has been working on these as time allows, and sometimes during streams.  I am not always around when he does art, so I don't know all the status.  And he is in bed.  I will try to get the sketches from tonight stream uploaded soon, but for now I am going to go back to bed and try to get 4-5 hours of sleep before the Bean wakes up and decides it is time to start the day.  

Thank you all for your continued patience, I am sorry for the delays, as we try to walk a balance between offering new stuff in streams and working on owed art, which is also being worked on nights and weekends when not streaming.  More art coming your way soon.




and one of the February sketches was posted today...so, the Beat goes on.