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 Thanks to all the old, current and new supporters out there for my Patreon. And it's time for another Poll Girl Pick for everyone to cast their votes on. This was a little delayed as the initial cast included over 34 choices, but with quite a bit fanegaling, I've lowered the choices down to a healthy 12. Don't worry, all the other characters have been put to the side for future polls. 

As a first, this poll also allows you to chose more than one character for your vote, but I'll still only be choosing one winner from the list, so any ties will meet their fate on wheel decide. And don't forget to cast your choice on the Bonus choice; still only one vote per person there though. 

Poll will run until the 14th, and thanks again for all your support!

Vote HERE: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HLGJ6YX




Kinda wish Bernadette Hedgehog was on there