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Soooo two weeks ago the Bean learned how to crawl forward, and sit up..and finally popped tooth number 8.  It has been a busy couple of week of him NOT SLEEPING.  I, Galadreal, have been worn out chasing him around all day and getting gnawed on (we also changed out a starter this week...which apparently is no good, so I have to take it back out and return it to the store to do the whole thing over again.  Once it stops raining).  Kandlin has been trying to help at night, but it does mean he is moving a little slower at art. 

However, he has not stopped, I have just been slow to upload stuff due to falling into bed as early as possible, and then waking up half an hour later...all night long.  But I have some stuff I am working on uploading today or tomorrow for your enjoyment, and I am sorry about the delays.

Also, this weekend, Saturday, 5/13/16, at 8 p.m. Central Time to midnight, Kandlin will be doing the Whitekitten stream.  I will post a link later.

The tiny beast just awoke from his nap, so I have to cut this short.  He had a busy morning of pulling himself up on the couch and trying to shuffle after the cats.  So I was hoping he would be worn out...HA HA HA HA..Foolish Gail.  I will try to get stuff uploaded during his second nap, or tonight after he is in bed.  Once again, I am sorry for the art delays.



Uh oh, Bean is sprouting all over the house! At this rate you'll have a huge bean stalk. Seems like fun times are ahead for your family. Thanks for the update.