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NEW POLL: Should I halt new releases for April, May and June?

  • No new releases for April, May and June, use those to letter and release the many comics with art already complete 70
  • Continue as usual, trying to catch up amidst creating new stuff, even if there's already 11 COMICS ready to be lettered and finished. 0
  • 2024-02-20
  • —2024-03-01
  • 70 votes
{'title': 'NEW POLL: Should I halt new releases for April, May and June?', 'choices': [{'text': 'No new releases for April, May and June, use those to letter and release the many comics with art already complete', 'votes': 70}, {'text': "Continue as usual, trying to catch up amidst creating new stuff, even if there's already 11 COMICS ready to be lettered and finished.", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 1, 2, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 20, 0, 19, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 70}


Hey there, smut believers!

I gotta be honest, here... At this rate, I won't be able to do much significant catching up on the unfinished comics if I don't take 2 or 3 of months to focus exclusively on them.

Before I got my schedule turned upside-down, my regular work in a given month would be:
- Script 2 new comics to be released 60-90 days later.
- Manage 2-4 artists for their wips on the ongoing comics.
- Letter 2 comics and release them.

But now I am doing all that, plus catching up with the stuff that's behind, with all the 17 comics from the last 12 months that I already announced but haven't finished. (19, actually if you count the ones coming in March). 

Which means I'll probably be burned out way before I come close to succeeding in that.

So, here's my plan.

- MARCH: Things go as they've been. I announce the two comics that are already scripted and add them to the release queue.

- APRIL: No new comics are released. Patrons from the SUBSCRIBER TIER will receive a different kind of reward for that month. I will work on finishing and releasing the pending comics from previous months.

- MAY: No new comics are released. Patrons from the SUBSCRIBER TIER will receive a different kind of reward for that month. I will work on finishing and releasing the pending comics from previous months.

- JUNE: No new comics are released. Patrons from the SUBSCRIBER TIER will receive a different kind of reward for that month. I will work on finishing and releasing the pending comics from previous months.

- JULY: We reevaluate and reassess the progress made in the previous three months and if things look in order, I resume the announcement of 2 new comics as usual. If not, I make a new poll and let you guys decide once again.

"Whoa! Wait, but if we're not getting 2 new comics for being in the SUBSCRIBER TIER, what will we get, then?"

Good question! I have a few ideas... 

  • I can provide content similar to the RECURRING TREAT that you guys got earlier this month (Hawkeye: Hero Trials).Stories and pinups that were commissioned or produced by friends of mine, who would kindly share their exclusive materials with you my awesome supporters. 
  • Also, as I have been doing for a few months now, every new Un-Delayed comic is also shared with current SUBSCRIBER TIER patrons.
  • If that's not enough, every SUBSCRIBER TIER patron would be granted access to the TRACYVERSE DISCORD SERVER too, where I share much more detailed materials, insights and previews about what's cooking behind the scenes. (There's other super special perks there too, but you'll have to see it for yourselves).
  • Also, by staying as a patron of any tier in those months, you will also receive the RECURRING TREAT every month, which is content that will NOT be available for grabs again anytime soon.

Anyway, I'm putting that decision to VOTE!

You guys have until the end of the month to decide what's best. I honestly believe the brief halting would be beneficial for the health of this campaign (...and mine, too), but I'm counting on you to figure out what to do!

If you have any other notes, questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below this post

Much love!

PS: Here's a visual glance of how those comics are looking right now. Each one that's got both cover and first page colored could be lettered right now, if I could dedicate my time to it.



To be honest I've been thinking for a while that it would be a good idea to slow down on new additions until the backlog is handled.


With your usual production values, I'm not surprised that the grind has caught up with ya. I don't know how you've kept up the pace all this time. In any case, I'm about to come back from my pause in March, so I should be able to contribute a significant parcel, as we discussed. 😉


Oh, booooy... They have no idea what's coming, do they? I mean... unless they're patrons of yours. Because then they'd know EXACTLY what's coming... 🙃


I was just trying to fulfill my promises and keep the releases coming as usual. But I finally realized I can't do both, so I'd rather just finish the amazing comics that are much closer to finish now.

super wonky wookie

Mr. Scops I had a question. Are any artists under your umbrella accepting commissions? I got some cash, and I got some ideas, but I really don't know where to start to make the magic happen. If you or anyone else you think might be interested... we'll, here I am. By the way, I support the quality over quantity approach. I think everyone else here agrees you should take your time and catchup on the back log. Sounds like you have a busy year ahead of you.


Oh, I couldn't be sure if the artists have any commission slots open. You'd probably have a better answer by contacting them directly. Here's links for the socials of some of them: Llamaboy: https://twitter.com/breno_ksp Luis XIII: https://twitter.com/luisxiiiart X-Geek: https://twitter.com/xgeek_art Denideni Kun: https://twitter.com/DenideniKun Saibutts: https://twitter.com/saibutts_cc Garth GT: https://twitter.com/GarthFT ALX (aka Fuckit): https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/fuckit/


Even with the continued payment of those months I would say, no new releases for those months. Getting through that backlog is more important.