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Oh, boy... Am I sorry for those that missed out on this one.
At least there's always next month for some other cool stuff, right?

If you were pledged at the turn of the month, but didn't receive the message, please check your payment method to be sure it was processed properly by Patreon.

And if you liked this, then...
You're gonna be blown away by what's coming at March, 1st.

Thanks for your support, as always!



Dan Younger

Tracy, I’m not sure WHERE they end up in my world. Are these a direct download, or am I just not seeing them? Probably that. I’m not asking you to be my “tech help”, but from what I’ve seen in the “teasers” I’d really like to see what you’re sending. Oh well. ….

Ars Gratia Artis

Love the story! And the end, where Kate mentions the X-Men, reminds me of my own 'Welcome To The X-Men' story I did years ago. These types of stories are always fun.