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I just realized I never showed you guys the finished sneak peak for the June comics.
Bad Tracy, bad!
Well, there you go!


ANT-MAN AND THE WASP #3: Into the Microverse of Lewdness
Wanda Maximoff has succumbed to the Darkhold. While the multiverse is full of possibilities for retrieving her children back, Wanda realizes that the Quantum Realm and its time traveling possibilities may also present a good chance of undoing Vision's death and get him to conceive her two sons into reality again. But to get the help of Ant-Man and the Wasp, she'll first need to go through Captain Marvel and Spider-Man, who are standing in her way.
>> artwork by MAMA DJABBA
>> dialogue editor LETY DOES STUFF
When Geekson McNerdy started his live-streaming channel CUSTOMFIGURESLAD, he only hoped to be a popular guy doing customized action figures. But an April's Fools joke about making homemade sextoys out of his Spider-Femmes figures turns terribly wrong when he sees his lewd playthings come alive during a stream.
>> artwork by DENIDENI KUN / colors by D R SILVA

I still don't have an exact day for release for the delayed comics of May, June and July, but I'll tell you guys as soon as possible.

Thank you once again for your amazing patience!



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