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Hello guys,
Today I have some good and some not-so-good news.

The good news is that I'm working hard to fix my logistics and the result is that right now I have 12 comics in different stages of production. The idea is to have the next 6 months of releases better organized so that I avoid more delays in the near future.

The not-so-good news is that there is still going to be a delay this month.
Short story is that happened because I had Llamaboy work on two comics at once.
The long story is that, because of Covid-19, some artists couldn't complete the job that was assigned to them and left me without option. So Llamaboy was kind enough to help me face that challenge.

Covid-19 has impacted my artists (and myself, actually) in many ways.
Some got sick and others are dealing with the unbearable loss of cherished ones.
Some couldn't work with comics art anymore, because had to change their dayjobs and lost their free time to draw.

But, in general, life goes on...

So, at this exact moment, one of the comics is almost fully inked and colored while the other is still halfway there. I'm not certain about how much longer it will take but I assume it's still gonna be 7 to 10 days before they are ready for release.

Once again, I thank you all for your patience and assure you that I'm working stupidly hard to make sure these things stop happening, hopefully making this the last delay of the year.

Well, then....
Back to work now.

Keep on, fapping on.

PS: I added the previews of the first pages of each comic so you guys see how worthy will be waiting for them a bit longer.



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