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Being one of Dr. Kafka's most complex patients, Shriek narrates a disturbing episode during their latest psychiatric session, culminating in a very unexpected therapeutic breakthrough.
Art by Kingsway




Wow, awesome. It's every arousing daydream I had while reading the Maximum Carnage comics in highschool, wrapped up in one insane package. Can't wait to see this (and hopefully see it continued).


They say not to stick it in the crazy. But when Shriek is offering you that... how can you say no?


I guess that rule is not valid when the one sticking-in is as crazy as the receiving end. =P


That may be true, TS. But lacking context, I am basically responding to the image like Shriek is propositioning me (the viewer) with that pink puss... and me thinking to myself 'even if she kills me after, it might be worth it'.