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14 comics released. 19 comics in production. aprox. 300 supporters aprox. 4k a month. How cool is that, hmm? Unfortunately, February will be another month without a Spidercest release. I wish it was different, but things are the way things are. Spidercest #8 is currently scheduled for March. However, we'll have a proper Valentines month with 2 comics starring our favorite Feline. I'd say it's a good month, ain't it? Be sure to update your current pledges according to your interest before January 31st, which can be done by going to the page below: http://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=313614 After that, all pledges are final and changes will only be considered for the next month's cycle. Now, I will focus my attention on the lettering and editorial finish-up of the comics, so that you can have the fine products you are accustomed to. Thank you so much for your patience and, above all, for your trusting support over these first 4 months on Patreon. It's been a wonderful journey! -Tracy



Quincey Forder

I know which one i'm going to pre-order for febuary!