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Continuing with the Christmas celebrations, another exclusive preview on the upcoming Mayday/Spidey 2099 story, with art by my original partner in crime Rosita Amici. This time with her usual studies of the characters in the story. Now, about the guest star, it's a VERY BRIEF appearance, on the LAST panel of the last page. But since Rosi is an amazing collaborator, she decided to do a profile on that character too. Any guesses on who that might be? Release date is still unknown, but expect it to be released on the first semester of 2015.



That black guy

Hmmm this is tricky due to you possibly using any variation on established character I'd guess maybe MJ spider-woman?


I probably can't answer if people are guessing right or wrong, otherwise it would spoil the fun of that reveal on the last page of the comic. But since you were the first to comment, I'll just go ahead and say it's not MJ. But you did guess right on the character being a girl (…although that was kind of an easy guess, by looking at that last silhouette on the pic).


Ok, how about this? Its Aunt May in a spandex leotard, like Jamie Lee Curtis in Perfect(the 1985 movie)