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I've mentioned before how much of a multi-talent artist Rosita Amici is. But here's proof that besides being a cosplayer and a fabulous illustrator (Sexual Symbiosis is still my best-seller comic), she's also a Muse. Here's the proof. Rosi lent her face (and some other physical traits as well) to Syro, the main character of the videogame "Broken Core". "Broken core" is a shooter-platformer retro-style game, inspired from great classics like Turrican, Megaman, Strider and Sonic, in which you play as a beautiful sexy girl with a very small armor on her curves. Basically, in this game, you are Rosita, almost naked, holding big-guns (no pun intended). You can see more about it or preorder at the link below: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/broken-core-videogame



...mixed feelings city. Making an alternate pornverse of Spidey is one thing. Because it's porn. This seems to be trying to be a legitimate videogame, if indie. If it was a porn videogame, that would be one thing. But as is... feels problematic, though less problematic than it would be if this was a AAA game.


Yep, that's a legitimate indie videogame. It's all about the gameplay and not so much about the erotica. I may be preaching to the wrong choir here, since I know you guys are more for explicit stuff. But I really want to promote any project my artists and collaborators are involved with, because they are so damn cool and nice and also because it may be within the interest field of a handful of you guys. Nevertheless, thanks for the sincere opinion. It's always worthier than mere a pat on the shoulder.


They should have her draw the game cover art!