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You guys rock! Bigtime! Thank you so much! Sorry for the lack of posts over the last few days but, as always, the reward sendings are a bit handful. I believe I've contacted every patron via Private Message right now. If you did not receive a message from me yet, it's either because: A) You're still showing as PENDING on my system, so I'll have to wait up to 48h until Patreon tries charging you again. B) You're showing as DECLINED on my system, so you have to check your patronage payment settings on me and confirm it again. After that, you go back to PENDING and patreon retries the charging within 48h. C) You did not check your inbox. Check it out now: https://www.patreon.com/userMsgAll D) I wronged you and skipped your name among the other 249 guys. Contact me NOW! In any of the cases above (or in any other case), you can always write me an email at: tracyscops at gmail dot com Anyway... Great things are in production for 2015. I hope to have you all aboard for the ride! Have a Merry Holiday Season everyone!



After a rather protracted battle with the payment system, I found the comics, particularly the sexual symbiosis series, to be fantastic. They were smartly written, well executed and of course, very sexy! Now in regards to future payments, would it be too soon for those who pledged last month at $49 collector to drop down to $10, or should we wait until Spidercest #7 to come out?


suggest Spiderman 2099 story -female doc-oc spderman and black cat -tentacle love


You can already change it to the subscriber. No problem at all… In fact, I always appreciate it when those edits are made sooner in the month. It leaves to less surprises in the end of the month. One more thing: To everyone whose pledge included Spidercest #7 this month, don't forget to send me a reminder on DEC 17th, just so I don't miss your rewards.


That sounds more like a pinup than a comic. But I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!