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Hey guys! Please, let me know if this isn't clear enough. Edit: As it was pointed out, SS#1 is in fact $5 each part. I'll edit the pic in the next monthly update.




Looks clear enough for me ^_^


is pretty clear to me ^^


it's clear above but it's blurry in my email, and won't unblur :/


Apparently, all large images from Patreon mail notices appear as blurred in the inbox. But you can always click on the orange box and check the images in full glory at the feed. Hope they fix that soon. =)


I remember the first spidercest is a bit pricier than before. What made it cheaper? Are all comics 8 pages now according to patron description? By the way I'm a long time customer but new patron. Glad you're back Tracy!


I remember the first symbiosis is a bit pricier than before. What made it cheaper? Are all comics 8 pages now according to patron description? By the way I'm a long time customer but new patron. Glad you're back Tracy!


Thanks for your long time support! Yes, all new comics are 8pages + cover Sexual Symbiosis 1, which is 24 pages, is now divided in three 8pages parts. The first part is available for any backer, and can be found waaaaay below on my Creations Feed. It's now a welcome gift for my supporters. Parts 2 and 3 are $5 each (or $10 for the whole comic). ...and now I understand that is not explained on the image above. I can't change files on Patreon without losing the comments, so I'll just edit the description and make the changes on the pic for next month. Thanks for joining! Ask away whenever you feel like...


I'm guessing this post of your was replaced by the newer one right? I'll ignore it, ok?


Is there a list somewhere on here of the different titles and how many issues are available of each?


The pic above is the complete list of everything available so far (with November update).


so do we get them on the 31st or like november 1st


It's more like Nov. 2nd-4th. Patreon only starts the charges on Nov.1st. It usually takes them 72hrs to complete all payments. Patreon actually sends me a clearance for every backer successfully charged and an OK to send the reward to the pledger. If there's any trouble, they usually contact the backer and help them resolve the matter during that period. Last month there was no problem. 100% clearance. This is yet my 2nd monthly round on Patreon, but I'm sure everything will go as smoothly. Thanks for your support!


Hey, sorry for this, but I'm new to patreon. Do I write you a message to get the rewards, or is there a link or something?


No problem, we are all new here. =) As the payments are processed by Patreon, I contact the backers by private message. Please check your PM inbox. There should be a message for you there. Thanks again.

Frank Mendez

I\m not sure how to indicate which reward i choose regarding the message but if i have to say it here know that i wish for sexual symbiosis 2. Keep up the great work.


Hey Frank! I sent a Private Message to you a few hours ago, when I got the info that your payment was processed. Did you get that? (Also, everybody: All comics are sent via PM. Be sure to keep an eye at your inbox, or at least leave the Patreon notifications "ON") Thanks again! =)


How many pages does Sexual Symbiosis 2 have? Can you please post a picture showing April Rewards Availability Overview for us non-patrons that are looking to check out the whole offer? Have a good day.


Hey Vlad! Symbiosis 2 is 8 pages. Unfortunately, I can't post any explicit images for non-patrons anymore, because of the rules of this site. But you can see all previews on my tumblr: <a href="http://tracy-scops.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tracy-scops.tumblr.com/</a> The April overview: <a href="http://tracy-scops.tumblr.com/post/117005108644/april-rewards-availability-overview-aka-what" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tracy-scops.tumblr.com/post/117005108644/april-rewards-availability-overview-aka-what</a> Thank you for your enthusiastic interest in my comics. Hope to keep that rising with the content! =)