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Hey folks! So... I goofed. I have the Black Parade video all written and ready to film, but then I ran out of staff paper. I ordered more and it was supposed to be here in time, but there was a mix-up at the warehouse and it didn't actually ship? So now I'm down to five remaining pieces of staff paper and I have way more than five pages worth of things to say, so I'm gonna bump the video back a week so I can do it the justice it deserves. Apologies to Black Parade Gang, I know you've been waiting over a year for this but hopefully you can manage one more week. (If it's any consolation, the video is like 2 minutes longer than my previous longest analysis, so it should be worth the wait.)


Hikaru Katayamma

Oh no! A delay! This is worse than the USPS not delivering my insulin. Oh goodness graciousness, what will I ever do. (lol) Take your time, buddy. Everyone misses deadlines on occasion.


To be clear, I am totally fine with the delay. I was curious about one thing : could you not print some? Maybe you do not have a printer though. Also, I had a really nice time watching your video on choruses!


Unfortunately not. Good staff paper has a specific look and feel to it and I don't have the right stock paper to replicate that. Doing a video on printer paper just wouldn't look right.