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Hey all,

For those new to my patron page, welcome once again and thank you very much for supporting me! It's been a breath of relief knowing that my animated content has attracted some support. <3

My plans for over March are to continue working on the Meow Skulls animation, as well as start thinking of a new animated project from this month's chosen poll character.

However there are some changes that I am going to make this month:

- Monthly update posts ( such as this one ) are now available to free members on my patreon. My thinking here is that it is a good opportunity to utilise the free member system which so far I have not touched at all. It will let know interested parties whether it's worth their money to join in a month since they will know what upcoming projects are planned! ^^

- The recently added "poll suggestions" to the £8 Pancake Enjoyer tier has been canned. I originally added this to encourage engagement with the tier, but it has not been met with much interaction. That is not to say you still can't suggest stuff in comments!

Instead, I have decided to change this tier reward back into an edited sketch request system. Every month, I will take requests from £8 patrons and draw at least one supporter's request in this tier. More info on what the sketches can contain here.

That's all for now! I'll have some more animated content to post tomorrow. :3

Thank you all! <3

- Jojers



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