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Did this today for fun! Sorry if some people are getting sick of him but he really is my fav and I can't believe I never did a magazine cover like this yet.





I’m genuinely interested in that pred-date article… 😉


I am not a fan of Nick, but indeed your art style is great. Also, I like when people make magazine fronts.


Love it!!! Makes me even more excited for the possible Nick 3d figures.


Love it keep it up can mever have too much nick!

antonio kontos

Now I wanna read the articles


Oh gosh, that would be some considerable work to make...


Too hot


I’d buy that 😍 definitely pin up worthy 😉


Sick of Nick they say? Throw in Judy! Zero complaints!

Skiffer Blackpaw

Love this! And I will NEVER be sick of Nick. Especially in your style.

chris ward

Haha this is hot and I'm right there with u. I love nick so much!


I can never get enough of this sly fox


Whoever is sick of him can piss off. Keep this coming


I will never tire of lewd Nick, unhealthy as that is.

J. Fox

Would love to see more nick wilde comics!


There will never be enough Nick, would love a sequel to Mystic Tantra.


I may really, really dislike Mystic Tantra, but you draw Nick excellently.

Viro Veteruscy

Nicely done, wouldn't mind seeing more characters with model magazine covers from time to time :3

Sherry Khanny

Love Nick, as well, can't get enough of him! Yup, yup! <3


He IS the sexiest fox...though honestly Jayden is worthy contender for the title.


Getting sick of him. RIIIIIIIGHT...!


Nick (sexy) Wilde is still the hottest foxy boi! 🧡

Vixie Wilde

i’m taking you to court for theft cause i stfg zaush if you give us page 40 (and more PLEASEEEEHDYEUUFHEHDUDH) i will donate my next paycheck

Vixie Wilde

also when is that figurine coming out? i’d like to go into credit card debt for a good reason :)


I've had to put it down for a little bit, but the masters are actually done and I still need to cast some of the pieces before I can do a proper run. I'll keep everyone here updated as that progresses, but gotta make some progress on my main patreon projects before I devote more time into it.

Razz Dazzle

Tasteful nudes are my absolute favorite. They make for great backgrounds.