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And the arc is complete! (for now ... once eSpoused and Closer get arc updates I'll be returning back to this one) Thank you to everyone who kept me company in stream. I'm really proud of this page, very pretty colors and a fun breakout panel as well.

Enjoy the update!



Radical Dog

Damn! I wish we could have seen more of the PYT!


We have a winner ladies and gentlemen *dundunduhduhhh*


I'm and idiot and it took me way too long to realize she washed off her marks too~


This dude is an absolute STUD, no wonder he's alpha. Balls of steel on this guy


Young girl takes knot. Film at 11! >;3


Love this comic for a few reasons, but the Ghibli-inspired colors and landscapes are probably my favorite part. You could hang the background art from just about any panel on a wall.


I find it funny how the last night was heartfelt goodbye, but the next morning he already has his side chick filling in for Tanta. How many gals does this guy fuck? Like, wasn't the relationship with Tanta a secret? And considering with how often they fuck, but have so comapratively few kids, it almost seems that the tribe has soem fertility problems.


Imo this is the best story arc and I can't wait to see it continue! Great coloring these last few pages btw. Reminds me of many days spent early in the woods hunting big game


Stunning work, eager to see more of the story as well as these intimate moments.

Alex Peterson

There won't be some love triangle, will there?

Tino Bila

a masterpiece!! cant wait for the next scenes <3 <3

Rayzen Mayher

I hope we get to see more of their quality time together <3


He fucks any he wants, but the exception is that tanta's mother is someone he fears, so doing things with her has to remain a secret. She's basically a battle bitch. As for fertility, it my universe canine people have a 24 hour period every 3 months, so it's a middle ground between the fertile period of humans and of dogs. They can have sex quite often and still not end up pregnant in any given year.

Lucky Lupine

Fantastic story arc goin' on, and I certainly hope Tanta finds success in her quest, especially considering the dark and troubling events of the past... :( MEANWHILE, I would love to see/hear more about how that sly scamp Leika got him wrapped around her little finger! I wonder how far SHE will go to complete her own little "quest" here?? ;)


Leika has an interesting role in the story overall, more accurate would be that she gives alpha distraction from tanta's absence, but also ends up inadvertently signaling him to her danger. Without spoiling anything, she does have a role in the endgame of the series as well.

Ted Williamson

When will pg 28 done in color 🤔

Ted Williamson

It's only been two months since I've been wishing for page 28 of tanta's bargain


Just noticed that she’s bound up her breast area.


Will there be more to this comic?


Yup, gotta get through the current arc of Closer first


Once Closer's current arc is wrapped up I will be returning to Tanta


when will the comics continue?