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The first in this batch of 5 to close out the current arc, enjoy the update!



Diego P

Will Tanta have a sneaky companion?


I must say, the fact you can tell where he "Went off" is rather an interesting detail, and probably very realistic. But what I respect about it most is that it doesn't take away from the situation. It somehow adds to it. Somehow it makes her decision feel more... rough. Takes away that clean feel. That morning comfort.


I watch my dog fall asleep a lot, and it’s so cute and fascinating to see their canine features fully relaxed of their muscles. Basically saying I know what it looks like. You captured that posture so perfectly and lifelike. Yet another reason I love your artwork so much. 😍


Ah! No, Tanta will make her journey on her own. Leika is a part of the story later on, so it seemed appropriate to introduce her here.


The kiss goodbye is so cute!