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Hey all! Hope you're having a lovely holiday. I've been busy with family stuff the past week or so but am plugging away on things behind the scenes. Here's a sketch update for the next panel of eSpoused, which I plan to finish up tonight (December 23rd) before a prior engagement. 

For the 24th I'd like to do a stream to work on a fun little pic for Christmas (nothing too fancy, but a one day project. I'm thinking I'll take Christmas Day off for me and fam, then finish up the rest of eSpoused for this arc before the new year hits so I can be freed up for some other tasks (namely Tanta's remaining pages. I know a lot of people are eager for me to continue Closer). I was able to consolidate 7, 8, 9, and 10 into just 3 panels for eSpoused, so that should make concluding this set more efficient.

Hope to see you tomorrow for the stream, and as always, enjoy!




Connor's expression is priceless. He -knows- she's punishing him. I love It.


Yes, but he'll endure and get his slice of pie in the end

antonio kontos

Heh I like this series, hope you draw more horses one day on a side note


Have a great holiday~ This comic is fun to follow!


Poor guy. I kinda feel bad lol

Kiba Pawsome

I'm very excited about what's next *.*

Sterling Rodd

Looks like noodle guy should come along with his sauce ladle. :)


Least the noodle guy got an unexpected tip