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After some careful thought, I've decided to make a slight change to how the polling will work.

I'd originally made a list of teachers that will attend the party and planned to sketch busts for each to be voted on, but I think it'd be better to just choose the ones that fit best for the situations and framing of the image myself. The graduates poll is still playing an important factor in which are put front and center and which are given less attention comparatively (as well as who is on the invite list), and I extended the poll an extra day to end on Monday at noon pacific time.

I plan to choose between 8 and 10 of the grads to include, give or take depending on how much of the frame is filled or how crowded the hot tub gets. Since the teachers are a good bit bigger, it stands to reason that I'll need to budget space in the image for them and prioritize which of them I think you'll all enjoy most. Most are making it in regardless of how I'd have presented voting, so I think everyone will be pleased with the result.

I look forward to getting this pic done for all of you! While I wait for the poll to finish I'll be working on the Reunion additions.



yay more Reunion! :D

Sherry Khanny (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:01:26 Thanks, Zaush, for all the amazing work! <3
2020-06-06 16:26:02 Thanks, Zaush, for all the amazing work! <3

Thanks, Zaush, for all the amazing work! <3