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Rather than continue with the Christmas themed image that was voted on last month, I was thinking I'd transform the idea into a block party for a canine couple that recently moved into the homogeneous neighborhood. (This is just a top down layout experiment for what can be happening, so I'd still need to settle on a good interior angle and blocking.)

These two figure not enough people really know the neighbors that live in their community, so they send out flyers to come join in a welcoming shindig, offering up plenty of opportunity to get friendly with some of the ladies on the block. With any luck, there'll be some newly minted bundles of joy to look forward to in the coming months.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, so maybe it takes a neighborhood to make 'em too...

Enjoy the update!




It's certainly more fun when the entire neighborhood is involved! Half the fun will be trying to guess who the father is for each new delivery <3


Now this is a party I could attend, hopefully there’s room for more!


I'm toying with an alternative idea that the man of the household wants the neighborhood he moved into to meet his wife and 5 daughters, like, in the biblical sense.


I really like this idea, and I really like this angle. imo you should keep the view as is, and just have a few close-up images of focal points, like the little gathering to the right, the ones on the couch, etc, etc. I also really like the idea of it being a father and his daughters, with the express purpose of "mingling" with the neighbours. ;) ;)


This already looks fantastic

Orry Maine

This exact scenario is one of my biggest gay fantasies.


Umm.... the dude at the very front appears to be buggering an ottoman?


Doesn't appear to me that any of the receivers are male?

Asher Tail

oh wow this is super neat looking into this process. Thank you!


Hopefully the cleaning supplies is in one of top boxes. That living room is gonna be a mess! Fantastic stuff, love the concept.


looks fun!


Love this, I'm a patron now of this fab community :D


Cool idea ^^