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Note: I'm posting some stuff in my archives that weren't posted yet until my Cintiq is returned from repairs.

In a remote jungle of reclaimed urban decay, a jaguar is visited by a traveling panther lady. It's a warm climate which rains for most of the year, and the culture has given way to a nomadic and territorial dichotomy in order to maintain the conservation of natural resources.

He offers her shelter and food, and she's welcome to stay as long as she likes, provided she's good company. That may or may not involve sating his nocturnal desires... though I dare say the perks of this arrangement could keep her there for a considerable amount of time.




Cats n' Cameras

Such a perfect pairing. Fantastic work


I’ve been waiting for prone action.. 💕


Love these two!


Your ability to draw attractive women is amazing.

William Seal

I would love to see more of them, do you have any plans of drawing them again?