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I'm terribly sorry about the delay in posting updates, I've got some company in from out of town, and it's been very difficult to balance hosting and working on art stuff. The deadline to get my Cintiq in the mail for repair looms, and it looks like I'll need to send it in within the next few days, despite not having a full set of 4 pages sketched for Tanta or the Christmas image nailed down with a background model.

The best I can do at this point is to get as much done on Tanta for sketches as possible, then send the hardware in ASAP, and spend the week or so of downtime sketching some random stuff for you guys on the iPad to make it up to all of you.

Thanks for understanding! <3




No worries. It's the holidays and they can be hectic with family, friends and events happening.


Sketch looks great, happy holidays and stuff.


has good idea what will happen