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It begins! Gosh, those other wolves are terrible shots, aren't they?

FYI, I'm going to sketch 3 more pages before I start inks and colors for these pages. Enjoy the update!




I love the intensity in her eyes! And how this starts allready to turn out hot XD


oooh boy this is going to be a ride! i can't waaait!!


Really looking forward to this one =3


by the way - maybe a smallish loincloth would add a bit more spice to the whole thing. Sometimes it's more erotic, if something is -barely- not seen. Also, you can give the viewer sometimes some more 'view', if the loincloth is failing to cover in some situations. ^^


Thanks for the suggestion, but there’s definitely going to be little to none of that in this comic!


does this mean that Closer is almost over??


Is it just me, or is anyone else getting strong Sword in the Stone vibes from this? Just, the whole arrow in the forest scene.

David Ewell

Wasn't a very good strategy to hunt out in the open like that. Should've hunted from cover and waited for the prey to get much closer foe higher hit probability. Nice start non the less.