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EDIT: Father is alpha has won the poll!

Tanta begins her story while hunting a deer, stumbling on some outsiders within her tribe's territory. She's seen them before, but the hunting envoy has never ventured this close to her home. Her tribe is small, consisting of her father and the few females he was able to escape with when her people were slaughtered, as well as the offspring from himself and the females, of which Tanta is the eldest. She's come of age, and has completed both her trials as a hunter and as a fighter, earning her father's acceptance as a protector of their people.

Two possible starting points are presented:

Father is the Alpha

Her father is watching over their tribe, and as the oldest male, he is Alpha for the last of the Red Marks. She's afraid to tell him what she's discovered for fear he would act rashly and start a conflict with the numerous hunters she's been observing each year without his knowledge. Father has no trust in diplomacy after peaceful negotiations proved to be trickery that got his people killed.

Father is Away

Within the last six months, another surviving male of the original Red Marks has joined their tribe. He's older than Tanta, but younger than father by about 8 years. Father uses the warm summer months to venture out in search of more survivors, knowing there may be more of them out there who evaded slaughter. He leaves this new male in charge as a temporary Alpha. Tanta is hesitant to tell this new alpha about the hunters as well.


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