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A couple of traveling wolves find themselves inside the territory of the Red Marks. Rather than be flushed out of their lands, the natives greet them with a warm welcome, all without the permission of their alpha. The two wake early the next morning to leave, but are sure to pay the locals a farewell thank you before they do. I'd bet future generations in this tribe will take on a larger size, and some additional color to their fur!

Someone in the stream requested that a less messy version be included, so that file is attached in addition to the original. I'll have the stream recording posted within the next couple of days as well. (for those in the 12 tier)

This month brings more Closer pages, so for those of you following that comic, keep an eye out for that.





Such an incredible job on this!! God the tribe boi on the bottom left is so lucky uwu


This is so fantastic! Also please let me mention that I absolutely LOVE the little story snippets you attach with your finished works. They really make the pictures come alive for me and add extra depth you don't have to explicitly put into the picture. That little bit about the wolves "accidentally" breeding into the tribe? Nnnnnf that does it for me so much... <3

Viro Veteruscy

Very well-done, love the background, character poses, and the lighting/colors. Great work :3


I'm really glad you like the bit of story that goes with it. It's so much easier to get into a piece when I can imagine a setting and a reason for it to be happening.


This is so good dude omg... love the sneaky gay stuff in the corner too. Totally made me blush when I saw that. Gotta say that's probably the prettiest cock I've ever seen from ya. Keep up the amazing work!


Wow, this is so well done, I can't begin to find the words to describe how much I love it. Nobody does tribal wolves near as good as you man, amazing work <3


my gosh <3 this is amazing!


For some reason, I can't download the clean version. It shows download progress, then just disappears.


Lovely work <3


so hot! <3


What's going on there? That's a female!


Damn Zaush this is hot as fuck. Both in concept and in execution. I wonder what the look on the alpha's face would be..

Diego P

Is nice to see some of the Boys joining in the fun!


Thanks! I'm happy someone suggested it, I think the mixed sexuality adds a lot


I'm genuinely curious if he finds out, or if the pups that result will give it away...


Sneaky sneaky! Pretty boy has to have a pretty tool, right?


Thank you! I'm not sure why this one was so much hassle, and to be honest it didn't turn out nearly as good as my mind's eye. But it's the best I could do!


Have you given it another try lately? I haven't encountered any issues with it so far...


Will you do something with a german shepherd eventually?


Not sure! I do tend to focus on canines quite a bit, so it seems likely I'll draw a shep again