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This month's poll is a little different... While most polls I run feature a single illustration that either sets up a fun idea, or shows the result of it, this will cover BOTH. These are prompts that will lead to an illustration of an idea, and also the payoff from it. If you're seeing this poll, that means you're in the $20 tier, and your vote will count for two.

Checking In

A wife asks her husband for permission to go on a for-fun date with an ex-coworker. Hubby says "sure, why not?" He's been pretty busy with his research work, and it's been an age since they've had time to go out themselves. She offers to do check ins via cell phone during the date too. He doesn't seem to mind when she tells him they'll be stopping by his place, even though it means she'll be dropped off much later than expected. Oh, the things he'll imagine while waiting for her next update. Hope he doesn't have to wait too awful long...

Wolves in Season

Several males from a tribe of wolves (similar to the ones featured in prisoner fox) have returned from various hunting and trapping envoys, and are enjoying the fresh spring season back home with a small gathering that seeks to introduce the tribe's finest single men with fresh eligible females. There's food, dancing, and more than a little eye candy to go around for all of these eager canines. It won't take long for them to do what they do best once their choices are made.

Cynthia at the Club

Cynthia and a few of her posse are meandering around the bottomless district at night, ending up in a hoppin', sexy night club. She dances her little heart out on the main floor wearing next to nothing, and is the center of attention for more than a few that can't take their eyes off her. Getting friendly with strangers was most definitely on her to do list for the evening.


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