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Set deep in a tropical paradise, high on the side of a valley, this relaxation getaway is the perfect place to blow off steam before getting your body oiled up by their skilled staff.

This one took a really long time to complete in terms of total work hours, but I think it was well worth it. I'll cut together the stream recordings as soon as possible for those in the 12+ tier who missed it. Up next: Closer pages, of course!





FiRsT lOl


Where can I sign up

Skiffer Blackpaw

Murrr <3 Do they get to blow off more than just steam? ;-) Hehe - this is a beautiful piece! I love the amazing amount of detail and resolution you out into your art.


This is amazing. I want to play.


ahhh love it! Always awe inspiring scenes from you uwu Also this place hiring? >.>

Grant Hynd

would of been nice to see a girl character having a oil massage as well, or is this strictly for males only?

Rayzen Mayher

He's done it again <3

Grant Hynd

Also a dick massage would of been great to see too, oiling the meat up nicely :p

Razz Dazzle

I love the way you draw sheathes, Zaush.


I'd like the adress to that massage parlor, please. :P


This is SO god damn good. Incredible work!


Huzzah another ultrawide! These panoramic pieces are great fun.


This place is for males, but perhaps they have a location for ladies!


I can only assume that horse ends up getting just that, but later in his session. Exciting!

Asher Tail

Ahh This came out awesome :D