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Here's some progress of me putting this scene together, trying to keep it pretty simple but also prepare as many wood surfaces as possible to present as is. These are all modeled from scratch so I'm doing my best to limit the need for 3D to perspective dependent geometric shapes. Some things are easier or photobash to paint by hand, but I'll say now that tons of wood at varying directions and planes is not one of those things. Most props and organic elements will definitely benefit from hand painting.

This is a viewport matcap, and the camera angle isn't set up in any particular way here. I'm just presenting the set for the most part. Character interaction will dictate how this one gets blocked out and what angle looks best for the given action.

I'll post updates to the scene and sketches as I go!




Looking forward to this one!


Looking good soo far Zaush~


This legit looks like the hipster ass brewery I go to lol