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It seems the results of the last poll resulted in a tie! These two images both received 23 votes, while the bottomless football image receiving 21 votes, and the bikers image got 14. This takes into account the combined 12 and 20 tier polls, since the 20 tier was able to vote in both polls to double their weighting.

What does this mean? It means I'm going to be finishing BOTH IMAGES this month.

Last of the Tribe will probably get something of an overhaul to adjust the poses, and both images will be fit inside a 16x9 composition for those who like art for desktop wallpapers. Look forward to me working on these soon after I complete page 9 of Closer!




Awesome! Your tribal-themed art is my favorite work that you do.


Yay! Can't wait to see you finish the one on the left!


ok, I can see this..... hmmm....